Saturday, September 02, 2006

Mission possible

Mission 1: find hat
I've decided a hat is a must have because it is sooooo windy on the Quays. Around 2pm i hopped on my bike and headed down to the Market Arcade. I we expecting an all day battle trying on tons of hats (which is usually how shopping goes for me) but nope, 3rd hat at the first shop was exactly what i was looking for, and the price was right too. ,So mission accomplished, that only took half an hour.

Mission 2: find a toilet.
Also accomplished very quickly.

I lingered around the Market Arcade for a while eyeing lots of jewelry. I found this spectacular bracelet and I was ready set to pay the 36e for it, but unfortunately when I tried it on, it was too small. Probably good in the long run, I usually loose all my jewelry.

Mission 3: find more postcards
For this I knew I had to head to the tourist area. Temple Bar District it was. Every shop had the same postcards, just different prices. I finally found some that weren't too cheesy. Got 9 of em for 3 euro. not bad.

Mission 4: cure boredom
This was easily accomplished by headed to Graffon Street, the main shopping area. This is always entertaining because the streets are closed from cars but there are still traffic jams of people. But spotted throughout the streets are various street performers, my favorite today were a group of 5 or so children all under the age of about 12 playing music. Violin, bass, guitar. I watched them for a few minutes to the tune of Le Tigre, on my ipod, they weren't playing it. I actually listened to 4 le tigre albums on my outing today, they provided the entire soundtrack for my outing, only switching over to Metric on the way home.

Mission 5: get food
I went as far as considering Burger King, but opted to just head home and stop by the Tesco on the way. I purchased some green curry, chicken, diet coke with lime and fudge yogurt. Then I made the horrible mistake of getting in the checkout line that was the "shortest." Seemed like a good idea at the time, little did I know that the woman in front of me had no idea how to use the you-check scanners. After scanning everything twice, calling for help 3 times, and then having her card denied I FINALLY paid my 7 euro and was on my way home. I guess part of being Irish is not caring about queues, I was very antsy while no one else could give a shit. I will have to work on that.

Dinner turned out excellent.

Mission 6: publish blog.

dame street
temple bar district
me and my new hat. sooo exciting!


Anonymous said...

Niii-iice hat!

Judith Ann said...

it's not paper...

Tyler Long said...

nice hat hipster ... if you wear it portland, you'll fit in well

Anonymous said...

I wish there were teleportation devices.

Guess who this is?
