Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Just great. My (social) life is over.

So when I moved here I knew my computer would be my best friend (for a while). Simply because it was going to be my connection to friends and family back home. I also figured I could use it as my radio, TV, DVD player, and to record my awesome journeys (hence this blog).

Now that it is getting darker sooner, around 8pm, I've found myself not being able to walk around the city as much after work. So, it was time to turn on the telly. British comedy is good, but when all three channels that we get were running nothing but Nanny 911, the x-factor (the British version of American Idol), and the gaelic channel had on something with no english subtitles I was forced to turn the single DVD on the shelf: the box set for the TV show Alias. I had my reservations, because how could any show staring someone married to Ben Affleck be any good??? I had no idea what I was about to get myself into.

I'm addicted.

I've almost finished the first season...tonite I could see the light at the end of this TV tunnel as I finished up the second disc (only one left!). But the light just turned out to be no more than a glowbug. I just looked at good ole IMDB and found out that this is the first season of FIVE!!!! Either I'm gonna have to break this chain of watching two to three episodes a day or glue my eyeballs to my computer screen for the next 6 months.

I think Cory Cook would be proud.

Don't get me wrong, Alias is no Firefly. Not even close.

Talk to you again in six months...


Tyler Long said...

I saw a few episodes of "Father Ted" once ... it was funny ... you should be watching that

Judith Ann said...

yeah apparently thats pretty good. but i don't get that channel.