Sunday, September 17, 2006

Dance the nite away

I've had a lot of fun while Aaron's been here. His mom flew into town yesterday and we were able to meet her for dinner and walking around the city for a few hours. She took us out for the "Best Irish Coffee in Dublin" which I now may crave for the rest of my life.

We parted ways around 9pm and Aaron and I headed off for the Spiegeltent to watch Robotnik. We got there as he was just ending. He was OK, I wasn't too impressed with the music. Once there we found some of my friends from work, who were sticking around for the next show, so we decided to join them. The next act was Nicole Willis & The Soul Investigators. This was mix of blues and soul, with a 5-piece brass section. They played a mix of instrumental and vocal songs. The entire tent was up dancing. Over all a fun nite.

We didn't get home until 2:30 to sleep around 3. Aaron had to wake up at 5:30 to catch a taxi to the airport, he's flying out to Brighton, England today. Actually he should be there by now.

It's 1pm and I'm still in my pj's. I guess I should go be productive now...

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