Friday, October 13, 2006

weak in the knees

On my way home from work today I stopped at Easons (think Borders) to buy some paints and a map of Ireland. The place is usually busy because it's right downtown on the main street, but when I walked in, it was PACKED! I thought, "Wow, there are a lot of people here!" then realized they were all girls...strange. I made my way toward the escalator (feeling as though I was in a mosh pit, working my way to the front) when a group of girls next to me started screaming and then (I'm not exaggerating) one of the girls puts her hand to her head and falls over! What the hell is goin on??? I'm thinking.

Finally I make it too the escalator and on my way up I can now see that the crowd of (young) girls is gathered around a table and there is some blond dude signing books and kissing cheeks. Now it all comes together, its a book signing! So who is this dude I'm wondering. There was no one up stairs (in the art area) so as I'm purchasing my paints I ask the girls behind the counter who this dude is, they reply with "Gary Barlow!" Umm I still have no idea. On my way down i got a glimpse of this guy sitting at his table:

He's a real looker aye? So now I'm sooo curious who this middle-aged tool is...I made my way back outside to my bike trying my hardest to remember "Gary Barlow" on my way home so I can google him. And I did. Click on his picture to find out who he is...

Oh and if you read his book let me know how it is, cause I'm not going to be reading it.


Tyler Long said...

HAHA! an album titled "Take That and Party" ... how ridiculous! Oh how I HATE boybands

Anonymous said...

I guess I am also a middle-aged tool...this guy is four years younger than I am!

Anonymous said...

haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaha. sadly, i remember their one and only single on MTV quite a few years ago. it involved singing in a lot of heavy rain, one of the must for boy band videos.

oh this cracked me up this morning. thank you judy.
