Sunday, October 01, 2006

Realization: I'm lazy.

A beautiful day today. Around 3 I went out on the town. I found a great place for people watching, its on the steps of the tourism office. Which means there are all kinds of people around. Fun stuff.

Next on the agenda was going to Tesco to get groceries for the next few days. The Tesco is about a 10 min walk away, so roughly a mile round trip (slightly uphill I might add). So I was in Tesco, got my groceries and by the time I got outside, Ireland had decided to show me exactly how fast the weather can change, it went from sunny with a few clouds in the sky to downpouring. Of course I didn't bring my umbrella, that would have been smart. So I'm on my way home with my grocery bag being very heavy and I'm starting to feel sorry for myself as the rain is dripping off my hat and soaking trough my clothes. I'm starting to complain to myself about how this sucks and my groceries are heavy...Then a little old lady passes me! Not only does she have twice the amount of groceries, and no umbrella but she was walking at top speed and says good evening to me with a smile as she passed. Wow did that make me feel silly. She's probably been walking to and from the store for her whole life, rain or shine. I doubt she complained.

On the subject, I watched as these clouds roll in. Then raced the rain home from work, and I won.

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