Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm a believer!

Anyone who has talked to me in the past year is probably familiar with my constant complaining about my lower back aching. It all started a year ago when I got a case of Strep Throat. I was on a weeks worth of antibiotics, which cleared up the strep, which then immediately came right back. I was put on another two weeks of antibiotics. Well this basically messed up my insides causing the need for more antibiotics? Vicious cycle, I think so. A year later, but insides finally became normal again yet the constant back ache remained. I figured maybe it was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with the bout of antibiotics, it was probably aching just cause I'm lazy, need to exercise more and improve my posture. I focused on doing these things, did yoga, started stretching every morning, paid more attention to my posture, went to a masseuse, osteopath, etc. Nada. Still every morning I could barely get outta bed cause my back hurt so bad. I finally gave up and accepted the fact I felt like a 70 y/o while i'm not yet 30.

Well hallalujia! Am I a believer in the power of acupuncture! I've been going every other week over the last two months and after the first session i thought i was cured! However, it did come back slight, but after a few more sessions I feel great again! It's such a relief. The acupuncturist explained that it had nothing to do with muscles or bones but was simply my kidney's still inflamed from being sick, a year ago! The next few sessions we're going to focus on getting my entire body healthy. Oh i'm so excited!


Anonymous said...

High five for alternative medicine!


Anonymous said...

is it still working?