Friday, July 11, 2008

I'm a believer!

Anyone who has talked to me in the past year is probably familiar with my constant complaining about my lower back aching. It all started a year ago when I got a case of Strep Throat. I was on a weeks worth of antibiotics, which cleared up the strep, which then immediately came right back. I was put on another two weeks of antibiotics. Well this basically messed up my insides causing the need for more antibiotics? Vicious cycle, I think so. A year later, but insides finally became normal again yet the constant back ache remained. I figured maybe it was just a coincidence and had nothing to do with the bout of antibiotics, it was probably aching just cause I'm lazy, need to exercise more and improve my posture. I focused on doing these things, did yoga, started stretching every morning, paid more attention to my posture, went to a masseuse, osteopath, etc. Nada. Still every morning I could barely get outta bed cause my back hurt so bad. I finally gave up and accepted the fact I felt like a 70 y/o while i'm not yet 30.

Well hallalujia! Am I a believer in the power of acupuncture! I've been going every other week over the last two months and after the first session i thought i was cured! However, it did come back slight, but after a few more sessions I feel great again! It's such a relief. The acupuncturist explained that it had nothing to do with muscles or bones but was simply my kidney's still inflamed from being sick, a year ago! The next few sessions we're going to focus on getting my entire body healthy. Oh i'm so excited!