Saturday, December 01, 2007

How it goes

The rain is upon us and coming down hard today, which is okay because I'm home nursing my hangover all day. Things have been going good lately. Good thing i did all that traveling last month cause now i'm spending most my time indoors, trying to paint more, watching lots of films and sitting in cozy pubs. I've seen some great films lately, Control, The Darjeeling Limited and 30 Days of Night.

I've also been to a few great gigs, Wilco and The GO! Team, where I met the most amazing guy. Upcoming: The Good Life tomorrow nite, Múm and Seabear, CSS, Stars (again) and maybe the Smashing Pumpkins in February.

In other news, work is going good, just found out last nite that one of my designs won the Design For Print Award! So that's very cool. You can see some of my most recent work on my new online portfolio. I also bought my ticket for Stockholm, hanging out with Tyson for new years! Hooray! I'm super excited because Sweden has always been on my list of somewhere I'd like to visit.

We'll that's my life at the moment. Hope you're all doing well.

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