Sunday, July 29, 2007

Week in a flash.

What a doozy. Last week was very slow at work but my nitelife was running faster than I was.

Wednesday I headed out to a Design Social put on by Design Ireland.

Thursday evening was Tanja's (my flatmate) last day so all of us in the house headed out to wish her safe travels back to Switzerland.

Friday nite I went out with some friends after work, great nite.

Saturday, Aishling and I headed up to Howth for a walk along the beach, followed by Tapas with Susan and Owen then met up with Martina for drinks.

Today was a lazy day, filled with sleeping, tv watching, laundry, cleaning the room. And I just got back from watching Sherrybaby with Ash, good movie but very depressing. We were suppose to go see the Simpsons Movie, but of course it was sold out.

Next week I foresee a week filled with movies the Simpsons Movie, Transformers, and an outdoor showing of Spinal Tap.

The flatmates, from left, Keiran, Donnacha, Tanja, and yours truly.

Howth >>>

Fish and Chips by the sea, some of the best I've ever had!


Tyler Long said...

mmmmmm ... fish and chips by the sea in Ireland ... I'm super jealous

Anonymous said...

Jude, look at yourself in the group shot, and then look at the photo up at the top of your blog page. It's like two totally different girlz!! Time to update the photo to match who you are nowadays.

So glad to see you out having fun. You are irrepressible.

Anonymous said...

just checkin in to say I love ya!
