Monday, August 28, 2006


Football here is not soccer like in the rest of Europe. This weekend there was a huge football game, Dublin VS. Mayo in the All Ireland SFC semi-finals. So what is Gaelic Football? I have no idea, it looks like a combination of American Football, soccer, basketball and rugby. Guess I should read this to learn more...

Another thing i find funny is the "News." I've been watching the "News" in the mornings when i eat breakfast. It's just the normal good morning shows but they break it up with these news segments which include the headlines from newspapers like The Sun, aka Tabloids! This morning, in between news from Iraq and about the Kentucky plane crash was, Man Killed by Ghost Train!.



Anonymous said...

sounds like american news, minus the news on iraq and the plane crash.

Tyler Long said...

that seems like the most confusing game ever invented

roccit said...

I wanna play. Learn it and bring it back with you :)